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Help Others to Register Online

​​The registration person's name, email address and phone number have to belong the SAME person (registration contact). There is 1 contact person per online registration. Reminder to use one registration for roommates in the same hotel room. 




​Situation 1. John is helping Mary, who is familiar with smart phone usage and she knows how to check email on her smart phone. John may borrow Mary's phone and sign in with name Mary, Mary's email, and Mary's phone number. After successful registration, confirmation will be sent to Mary's email address.


Situation 2. John is helping Peter, who is not familiar with smart phone usage. On John's cell phone (or computer), sign in with name John, John's phone number and John's email address (registration contact). Create a new registration, then add Peter as an attendee. (John does not have to be an attendee on the new registration form). After successful registration, the confirmation will be sent to John.


One person (e.g., local church registration coordinator) may submit multiple registrations. Click "register again" to create a second registration. To look for a previously submitted registration(s), click circular profile icon.  Scroll down to the bottom and click "My registrations".






​If you have questions, you can email (Victor Ng).   Please use title "Summer Retreat question".






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